Saturday, June 6, 2009

October 16, 1930

Dearest Katherine,

I’ve had good intentions for a week. Believe it or not. But life is so complicated – for various reasons (most ten good reasons)

1. “Pee Wee” doesn’t love me.
2. I’m in disgrace with Marjorie – don’t know why and I’m too stubborn to ask.
3. I’ve got too much studying to do.
4. I’m sleepy and tired.

Why go on? All I ever do when I write you is gripe. But I feel as if I could unburden my soul of all my numerous worries to you.

Had heap much large time out at Knapp last week-end but haven’t recuperated yet – slept about 3 hrs. and indulged generally. Then had to come in the next morning and put on a Field Day for the city and country schools. The kids must know we are dissipated – and the most crabbed bunch on earth. We all had circles half way down our faces.

Thanks just lots for the funny pieces – I laughed over ‘em just lots and got a huge kick out of them.

“Psi Kaps” went out last night and fried steak over a camp fire and held our meeting around it. More fun. And good food. But it degenerated into a regular camp meeting and open confessions that should be good for our souls. Some of ‘em were certainly startling enough – just knocked more people off the X-mas tree.

Any excitement there – none here, I’m running too hard.

Oh, I have to teach Swimming Friday with the instructor sitting on the side lines criticizing – (groans). Besides I had to conduct Formal gym class and I marched the class up in the wall. It was awful - besides giving a command that they couldn’t execute!!!

I’m just gotta quit and retire to my little bed on the roof.

Lots of love,

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