Saturday, October 23, 2010


For the last ten days, I've been in northern Virginia and Eric has been in Florida fixing up our boat Clementine, getting her ready for their trip home early next month. This is Clemen-tiny, Clementine's little sister, the dinghy.

Today, Eric replaced the screws, bolts, and washers with new ones, caulked the ribs, and painted the outside. He's still working on getting the outboard functional, but all in good time.

Me, I did very little. It's been a long week catching up at work and taking care of obligations. All the rest can wait until tomorrow ...


Evil Pixie said...

Lovin' Clemen-tiny! Fantastic photo!

Anonymous said...

Clementiny is a foldable dinghy and as such can be, and was stored in the boat. Friday was such a lovely, breezy day, and because i'm quite proud of it, decided it would be a good time to whip out my dinghy and show it off to my neighbors in the boat yard. They questioned whether my dinghy was of adequate size to perform effectively. I assure you that once I practiced a few times it worked just fine. The only problem I have now is getting it licensed. Eric