Sunday, April 25, 2010


Descending into the realm of political silos and fiefdoms, Year 2005, Wendella could only image how things would be run if she were in charge. Enormous amounts of wasted energy and resources would still be available for the city projects and welfare of the people. But alas, Wendella was not in charge.

The question then became, does she cut and run to find sanctuary on a more rational plane or remain in chaos to be a beacon within that storm? Such questions always languished within her mind; the desire to exist where one remains within the tranquility of homeostasis and the competing desire to make order out of an otherwise entropic system.

A continuing battle has taken place within her somatosensory cortex; the sensing and intuitive functions constantly vying for territory within a system thought to be three-dimensional, but in reality hosting multiple dimensions. If only the tiers could agree. If not for the ability to abstract, Wendella could very well go insane.

The point of landing is the streets of Washington, DC. Whereas the exteriors of the buildings are impressive in their architectural design, the interiors are drab with encrusted dirt within the framework. Such is the reality of an economic model paid for by tax-payer dollars. To navigate such a course, Wendella has armed herself with a rolling laptop bag and a container of sanitizer. As she enters the building, she thinks of the tasks at hand. She knows she will accomplish her goals; it's just an issue of when. Advancing forward, she has a strong look of determination set on her face. Wendella is indestructible!

1 comment:

Betty Gaeta said...

Hello Leslie,
I'm return already.Thank you for the visit and the votes of improvement.
Have a great week.