Thursday, July 1, 2010


Today is Oscar's 12th birthday. These photos were taken yesterday when the afternoon sun was pouring into the apartment and Oscar was purring like mad. He's a big Bengal-looking cat, friendly, affectionate, and easy going. In the third pic, I think he resembles one of those blue aliens in the movie avatar. He's scary intelligent and I'm sure has cause-and-effect awareness. Around this time last year, when Eric first moved in, there was an alpha-male war going on. Oscar eventually accepted compromise but even now he'll push the limits whenever he can and look up as if to say, "go ahead, humanoid, make my day." To see his cohort in action, click here.


mina said...

Happy Birthday to Oscar! He's a handsome fella. When I moved back here from Norfolk, Mr. and Shawn had the alpha battle going on for awhile. They eventually became buddies once they both realized that I had enough love and attention for both of them:)
We're getting a new little fella tomorrow. Lucy needs a playmate.

Eric said...

OH Christ! Leslie says I have to say something nice about Oscar since it's his B-day.

Ok...hmmm...You have finally stopped climbing into the bed and leaving your fur behind to be sucked into my sinuses as I lay sleeping. Thank you.

You finally have realized that when I raise my hand, I mean business and you stop doing whatever it is that caused me to raise my hand in the first place. Thank you for that too.

You are twelve, and that means your voice will become weaker and your irritating meowling for food at 0500 will be quieter and hopefully in a few years will be just a hoarse whisper. Thank you for getting old.

Just kidding my little furry friend, I almost like you and I definitely respect your willingness to stand up for yourself but let's not get too close ok? Happy Birthday Cat. I'll throw you a crumb of cheese later if I'm in the mood.


Evil Pixie said...

Happy Birthday, Oscar!

Lara Neusiedler said...

Happy birthday! he is so cute! and what beautiful eyes!